鼠疫 英文,瘟疫的英文单词

301 2023-12-13 10:58

鼠疫 英文,瘟疫的英文单词

>^< 鼠疫1. The Plague Epidemic and Its Space and Time Distribution Rule in the Early Days of Our Country's Founding; 建国初期的鼠疫流行及其时空分布探析2. The plagu海词词典,最权威的学习词典,专业出版鼠疫的英文,鼠疫翻译,鼠疫英语怎么说等详细讲解。海词词典:学习变容易,记忆很深刻。

ˇ0ˇ 2. 鼠疫[the S] The plague caused thousands of deaths. 鼠疫造成数千人死亡。3. 【口】天灾,灾难,祸患[C][(+of)] The stores had to cope with a plague of burglaries鼠疫与皮肤病【英文】EpidemiologyofPlagueintheUSSkinZoonoticDiseases VM544VeterinaryPreventiveMedicineDr.PaulBartlett,MPH.,DVM.,Ph.D.Yersiniapestis(Pasteurellapestis)Remarkablehisto

英文译文What would you do if you were on the brink of extinction? What would you do if you saw death? When the life we are used to is suddenly interrupted, will you esc鼠疫,英文名称plague(最初指鼠疫,后来引申为“瘟疫、疫情”),是由鼠疫耶尔森杆菌(即鼠疫菌)引起的危害人类最严重的烈性传染病之一,被WHO(世卫组织)规定为国境检疫传染病,在我

先来认识一下鼠疫这个单词,叫做”plague”,来自拉丁语”plaga”,有瘟疫,灾害的意思。鼠疫是由鼠疫耶尔森氏菌(Yersinia pestis)引起的,这种细菌存在于啮齿动物和跳蚤中。Ps.耶尔森轻鼠疫parapestis 鼠疫斑plague 肠鼠疫intestinal 肺鼠疫pneumonic 重鼠疫pestis 鼠疫plague 鼠疫蚤Asiatic 鼠疫菌plague 最新单词超额利润扣除英文怎么写


